Hag in January

On a cold January morning, a woman with a headscarf tied around her head and a fur collar set out on the way. The red colour of the morning winter fog also reflects itself on her rosy cheeks and the red dotted headscarf. The squinting eye is weak-sighted and tured upwards, while the other eye smilingly beholds the observer with a contented shrewdness.
Werner Berg's paintings used to be compared with caricatures, and they certainly share some characteristics as far as the accurate shorthand capture of the essentials is concerned. Werner Berg, however, always gets involved in his little worldas a sympathetic participant; an evil pitying smile from people outside is unknown to him that is why the main message of his paintings is the complete opposite of the caricature. The subject of his art is to portray the whole range of human manifestations in a small space as a given So-Be-It.